From 22-30 July 2024 the youth exchange in France was held and hosted by the ECA project leader Pistes Solidaries.

This exchange was focused on two seemingly unrelated topics—environmental issues and European citizenship—that are actually deeply interconnected. It was surprising to see how the EU influences the environment issues and the other way around how environmental problems are changing perspective of the European Union.

Laroin, a quiet place which gave the participants the opportunity to connect with nature. Every day of the program was filled with activities that had the perfect balance between fun and learning. 20 participants gained insights into environmental impact thought games and interactive discussions and learned in which ways young people can make a difference.

For youth it is crucial to know that their voice can be heard and that their actions can make a difference. But also it is important to know what and how to do certain activities. With various examples and exercises on this exchange the participants gained an understanding of ways in which they can adjust our everyday habits for helping environment. Each of the participants was happy for the opportunity to connect with peers from Poland, Macedonia, Sweden, Italy and France and learn about their everyday struggles and also their culture. Hearing each participant’s unique story was truly inspiring.

Some of the highlights of this exchange included rafting, visiting the castle in Pau and biking around Biaritz while brainstorming solutions to minimize environmental damage and help the eco-system.

The simulation of European Council was valuable experience through which the participants witnessed how challenging it is to make decisions and protect your position. The final activity, a “Polka Debate,” was especially beneficial. It provided young people with information about the EU’s environmental strategies and inspired them to propose innovative ideas for combating climate.

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