On 22-30 August, TDM 2000 hosted the youth exchange “EU Opportunities of European Citizenship”, which was part of the European Citizenship Academy project. 25 young people from Italy, France, Portugal, Greece, and Poland gathered in Nurri, Italy, to discuss active citizenship on a European level. 

Some of the participants shared their experience about this event, read them below!

Aleksandra Rewolińska, Poland

During the exchange we worked using methods of non-formal education. We learned about opportunities for youth, citizenship, team building and how to set personal space and respect each other. 

It wasn’t only learning about the EU, but also about realities in other countries. We did a lot of sports activities, such as hiking or kayaking. We even got to learn how to make Sardinian sweets usually eaten at weddings and family gatherings. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the EU and about each other.

Effie Lampraki, Greece

The “ECA” program that we participated in was a unique and enriching experience that brought together young people from five different European countries: France, Poland, Greece, Portugal, and Italy. Throughout the program, we had the opportunity to connect with each other through a variety of activities, but one that stands out is the hike by the lake.

This hike was not just a physical challenge but also a bonding experience. As we made our way to a secluded spot where we could swim, we had to work together, helping one another navigate the terrain and find our way. The spirit of cooperation and support we developed during this hike, defined the entire program.

In addition to physical activities, we also shared our cultures with one another, exchanging traditions like food, music, and daily habits. This cultural exchange was a highlight of the program, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of each other’s backgrounds and ways of life.

Furthermore, the program provided a platform for meaningful discussions about the issues that our countries are facing from the perspective of youth. We talked openly about the challenges we face in our respective nations, and this exchange of ideas helped us gain new insights and perspectives on how to address these problems collectively.

Overall, the “ECA” program was a remarkable experience that not only fostered friendships across borders but also encouraged us to think critically about the role of young people in shaping the future of Europe.

Ewa Grzegorzewska, Poland

This exchange brought together young people from various countries, encouraging them to share their cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Participants took part in various activities, for example in making traditional Sardinian sweets prepared usually for weddings. We talked about international understanding, cooperation and discussed global issues. This blend of educational and cultural immersion helped participants develop valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership.

One of the key attractions of Sardinia is the island’s deep-rooted cultural heritage. Participants had the chance to explore ancient Nuragic sites and leisure places.

In conclusion, the youth exchange program in Sardinia offered us, participants, a transformative experience that combines cultural immersion, personal growth, and community engagement. This programme is not only a gateway to discover the island’s unique heritage but also a means of building lasting international friendships and fostering a spirit of global understanding.

Izabela Karpowicz, Poland

During those 8 days spent in awesome international groups, we discussed important topics for youth, connected to the European Union and citizenship. We learnt about the working system of the EU. As young people, we paid attention to global issues directly affecting us and our generation. Through various activities and pleasant participation we made new friends and broadened our horizons. Of course, we had an amazing time outside workshops as well. Hike in the mountains, rough and adventurous way to the lake, kayaks and cultural keepsakes were also parts of this exchange. All together, they formed unforgettable memories and helped us understand the decision-making process of the organization that the European Union is.

Katerina Kakhniashvili, Greece 

The youth exchange of ‘ECA’ (European Citizenship Academy), which took place in Nurri, Italy, was a great way to learn about what the EU offers to youth, providing us the chance to interact with young people from different countries.

More specifically, through the different activities that were organised, we were able to learn more about the European Union, what it has to offer to everyone, especially young people, as well as the concept of e-participation. We had the chance to reflect and think of ways to solve many social issues that the world is facing at the moment, through teamwork. 

Additionally, through the five countries that participated, we got to know different European cultures, saw other young people’s perspectives and opinions about the advantages and the disadvantages of the European Union and also about the problems that they face in their countries.  The most exciting experience is that we got to try new foods, learn traditional dances and teach each other words in order to communicate. Of course, as we were staying in Italy we learned about the daily life there, the traditions, habits and culture along with the locals.

Overall, this was a great week that I will always carry with me. All the new information I got to collect, the new people I became close to, the friendships I made, led to a unique experience composed of memories of the activities, free time and late night talks.

Laura Zanovello, Italy

I participated in the ECA youth exchange in Nurri, and these are some of my favourite experiences:

Sharing a space – I think that sharing a space can encourage you to become very acquainted with your roommates. I’ve become good friends with my teammates Margherita and Camilla, and they helped me make new friends.

Meeting new people – Going on a multicultural exchange means that you get to meet new people from other countries and learn more about their culture and customs, and you can also learn some of their language or teach them some of yours. I loved making friends, and I was very sad to say goodbye to them.

Improving my English – Since we’re all from different countries, to communicate we used English, so this gave me the opportunity to improve my pronunciation.

Learning to dance  – Thanks to the intercultural nights I got to learn typical dances from other countries, such as bachata, the Greek rain dance, and dances from all the other countries.

Games – During the exchange we had some free time, so we spent it either in the pool, dancing, singing or playin. We learned some typical games from Poland and France and some card games from Poland and Greece, we also taught them some Italian card games, like briscola and scala 40. In conclusion, I loved this exchange and I was very sad to go back home.

Lena Kaczmarek, Poland

At the end of August the ECA youth exchange took place in Sardinia. Teenagers from 15 to 18 years old from Poland, Italy, Greece, France and Portugal stayed in Nurri, Sardinia, for a week to participate in workshops and activities related to the aims of the project.

The purpose was for young people to obtain new knowledge about the system of the EU, show them the opportunities that the EU offers them, as well as get familiar with the idea of democracy which is an inseparable part of EU membership. All the knowledge we as participants were able to possess thanks to the leaders that used inconceivable learning methods like debates, board games or role plays. The participants got to know new people not only on their own but also thanks to working in the international groups during the workshops which not only lead to making new friends but also helped familiarise themselves with different points of views.

Apart from the project’s sessions, participants were able to experience the beautiful Sardinian landscape through hiking or swimming in beautiful lakes.

Liliana Rocha, Portugal

What a great week in Italy! We got to meet with young people from 5 different countries, connect, and do important and fun activities. Through different nonformal education dynamics, we exchanged our knowledge about the EU, and we learned more about citizenship, the opportunities that the EU provides, the reality and hot topics discussed in each country nowadays, and so on. Each one of us also got to share our perspective on the EU and how we would like it to be in the future.

There were also moments to socialize, enjoy the sunny days (and the crazy rain), explore Nurri’s ‘forest’ and lakes, and get to know more about each other’s countries and cultures. It was great to be back in Italy, to be in this intercultural environment, to develop skills, and, most of all, to see my team enjoying their (mostly) first experience, challenging themselves, and developing important skills.

Grazie mille!

Sara Maciel, Portugal

On the 22nd August we came to Italy for an exchange to talk about the European Union. We discussed some of the EU’s problems and how to solve them. We also talked about the opportunities the EU offers to young people. Learning was done through group games and discussions. At the end of this exchange we acquired more knowledge about the EU and we know how to use the projects and why it is so important. My free time was my favorite, especially the day we went kayaking and boating. We visited some historical sites and enjoyed the pool a lot. At night there was always an activity to socialize or learn about other cultures. Of all the exchanges I’ve been to, this was the best in terms of hospitality, the place was incredible and the food was too.

Diana Barros, Portugal

We are here in Italy to talk about the future of the European Union from the perspective of young people and the opportunities it gives us.  I really enjoyed this new experience, being in Italy was unforgettable, I learned new things and had a lot of fun with the rest of the people who participated in the exchange.

What I enjoyed most about doing here was meeting people from different countries and their cultures, the adventures we went on together, like when we had to go down to the lake, the energizers and the nights we spent all together dancing, singing or watching the stars. The part I liked least was not knowing how to communicate and the sudden change in the weather.  Italy will stay in my heart, I’m already looking forward to going back!

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