The ECA partners on 4th of April had an online meeting in order to discuss the next activities of the project. Participants from all partners organization France (Pistes Solidaries), Greece (USB), Poland (CAT), Spain (Cazzala), Portugal (AJD), Sweden (CCBE), Italy (Associazione TDM 2000), N. Macedonia (Poraka Nova).

The topics that the participants on the online meeting covered were:

– the youth exchanges that will be organized this summer in France, Poland, Italy and Portugal, finalizing te dates and main topics of these events, materials needed before the events such as infopacks, etc.
– questions regarding finances;
– the e-learning platform and its integration in our work related to the youth exchanges;
– the campaign about the EU elections we have mentioned during the KOM;
– the dissemination via the ECA project website and partners roles.

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