Latest News
Below you can browse through our latest news articles, updates from the events and activtites implemented.
Partners Online Meeting in April
The ECA partners on 4th of April had an online meeting in order to discuss the next activities of the project. Participants from all partners organization France (Pistes Solidaries), Greece (USB), Poland (CAT), Spain (Cazzala), Portugal (AJD), Sweden (CCBE), Italy...
Kick-Off Meeting: Setting up the basis for ECA project success
On 19th of January in the wonderful city of Pau, the first event an kick-off meeting of our ECA project was held, hosted by the project leader Pistes Solidaries. As we gather on that meeting we embark on a journey towards achieving our project goals and making a...
Launching the Website
We are happy to announce that our project website is live and all information, project updates, events, activities, outcomes will be presented and published here.